Well the First World War did not turn out to be the War That Ended All Wars. Neither did the Second World War. But, good news, it looks like the Third one will.
Sorry, I am, at heart, a satirist and I cannot resist a joke or play on words even, or perhaps especially, when the subject is not at all funny. Tyrants hate and fear mockery, which makes it such a powerful part of the human spirit.
There is a Russian gag which goes “We used to be on the edge of a precipice but no longer. We have taken a giant step forward.”
My favourite belongs to Iranian female comic Shappi Khorsani, who did a gig in New York not long after the towers were brought down by planes flown by Islamist terrorists. She stepped on the stage and said
“Hello. My name is Shappi Khorsani. Or at least that is what it says on my pilot licence.”
There was a terrifying (for her) silence before a ripple turned into a gale of laughter.
There will be video clips and one liners circulating Kyiv now. Here is one “Did you hear that the Kyiv Metro is open but the Moscow Stock Exchange is shut.” Boom boom
The ordinary people of Ukraine and of Russia together must win this war. I feel so passionate because I was in the beautiful city of Lviv so recently. But I also believe that the issue at stake is nothing less than “avoiding WW3”. The West is throwing everything at Putin. But not, of course, what it is really begging for – a no fly zone or troops on the ground. We will not, and cannot, fire the opening salvo on WW3, the War – as I said – to End All Wars. So we are forced to stand by as a small European country is massacred by overwhelming force. But we are not helpless. We knew that sooner or later a test like this must come, be it from China, North Korea or Russia. Sooner or later an authoritarian nuclear state would push the boundary. And it is Putin’s Russia who have done it. But the others will be watching. So we must win. And we must win without plunging the world in to a nuclear holocaust. In my book that means doing everything short of sending troops. So my little attempt isto call for a globally co-ordinated 2 minute protest and I will put another link at the end of this post.
Somebody recently messaged me to say ‘Stop war mongering’. It’s a charge I am sensitive to because I know that what I am doing could be seen as inflammatory. But the definition of war mongering is one who seeks to stir up war. I say that war has already been started. Putin has invaded a sovereign country. So now we must all take a position. I know whose side I am on. Putin must be forced to the table and forced to retreat. I suspect that he will have to be forced from office before we can have peace but we will see how it goes.
The other comment I attracted, was a caution that overt support for Ukraine (wearing its flag) might upset Russian visitors to Turkey. But I believe that many of the Russians who might come to Turkey will oppose this war, particularly when they get out from under the toilet paper that passes for news media in Russia. Even if they do not, if they are allowed to visit, we should engage them in discussion without hiding our support for Ukraine. We should not stop support until Ukraine is restored to being an unoccupied country, free to determine its own government and way of life.
And the quicker this war is finished and Ukraine is restored the quicker we can get back to a normal tourist season in Turkey. So, if you think a 2 minute silent global protest can help, follow the link to my Facebook page and share. Be sure to share my FB post which is public rather than a repost on a closed group which will not have a share button.
To visit my post click here Then share it. Send it to your MP. Chase your influential friends.